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Version: 7.7


Release History

7.7.1 - February 14, 2025


  • AWS VPC Flow Logs via AWS Firehose - Added a new configuration, EF_AWS_VPC_FLOW_LOG_FIREHOSE_HTTP_PORT, to customize the HTTP port that the flow collector listens on for incoming flow logs from Amazon Firehose.
  • IPFIX IE Support - Added support in Netobserv Flow for information elements belonging to Ipoque enterprise number.
  • Flow Collector - Fixed an issue where path and telemetry indices were not being created correctly when TSDS was enabled for Elasticsearch.
  • Splunk Output - Fixed an issue where the EF_OUTPUT_SPLUNK_HEC_CIM_ENABLE configuration was not being respected and Splunk CIM fields were not used.
  • Flow Collector - Fixed an issue where flows were not being enriched correctly with AS fields
  • CVE-2022-28948 - Updated from 3.0.0-20210107192922-496545a6307b to 3.0.0.
  • CVE-2023-48795 - Updated from 0.11.0 to 0.31.0.
  • CVE-2024-45337 - Updated from 0.11.0 to 0.31.0.
  • CVE-2023-3978 - Updated from 0.12.0 to 0.33.0.
  • CVE-2023-39325 - Updated from 0.12.0 to 0.33.0.
  • CVE-2023-44487 - Updated from 0.12.0 to 0.33.0.
  • CVE-2023-45288 - Updated from 0.12.0 to 0.33.0.
  • CVE-2024-45338 - Updated from 0.12.0 to 0.33.0.

7.7.0 - February 3, 2025


New Features
  • NetObserv SNMP Trap Collector - Added a new SNMP Trap Collector to the NetObserv suite. The SNMP Trap Collector is a turnkey solution for collecting, processing, and enriching SNMP traps from network devices. For more information, see the SNMP Trap Collector Introduction.

7.6.0 - January 21, 2025


  • RPM and FIPs - RPM package for NetObserv will now work correctly on FIPs compliant RHEL machines.

  • sFlow - Fixed an issue that could cause fields to not be successfully parsed from an sFlow sampled_header depending on where the packet sample was truncated.

  • SNMP Poller - Fixed an issue where collectors would start without users accepting our license agreement. When you upgrade and have not accepted the license agreement, you may encounter the following error:

    snmpcoll/main.go:62 exiting because of a license error {"code": "license/error", "reason": "license configuration: license agreement not accepted. Please update 'EF_LICENSE_ACCEPTED'"}

    To resolve this, ensure EF_LICENSE_ACCEPTED is set to true in your configuration.

7.5.3 - December 4, 2024


  • Metrics collection - Reduced log level from error to debug if NetObserv can't access system metrics like CPU or available hard drive space.
  • SNMP poller panic - Fixed a bug that had SNMP poller stop working when some SNMPv2 devices sent their DisplayString in an unexpected format.
  • API_IP configuration - Fixed a bug where NetObserv was still listening on all interfaces even though a specific IP address is set in the EF_API_IP configuration.
  • Container - Flow Collector container no longer requires mounting /var/lib/elastiflow/flowcoll just to run.



  • AWS VPC Flow Logs - Added AWS VPC Flow Log support to include all flow records through v7.
  • SNMP Enrichment - Fixed an issue where the Flow Collector could fail to enrich flow records with SNMP data from SNMPv3 devices.


  • Fixed an issue where downloading the NetIntel dataset could fail due to insufficient timeout.



  • Metrics - Fixed an issue where duplicate metric registration can cause a panic in the NetObserv Flow collector.



  • Docker Installation - Added a new volume mount point to support data persistence for Docker installations. This enables the NetObserv Flow Collector to retain data across container restarts. For more information, see the Upgrade to 7.5 guide.
  • Sample Rate - Added support for calculating flow sample rate from sampling packet interval and space found in an option record.
  • Flow Data Path - Added a new configuration, EF_FLOW_DATA_PATH, to specify the path where NetObserv Flow will store data files that need to be persisted between runs.
  • Metadata Enrichment - Fixed an issue where flows were not being consistently enriched with metadata associated to the most specific IP CIDR or range.
  • Support Bundle - Fixed an issue where the original file modification date was not preserved when creating support bundles.
  • Versa AppID - Fixed an issue where application information from Versa devices were not enriched correctly.


  • Autonomous System Enrichment - Added support enriching Autonomous System data from the NetIntel dataset.



  • Sample Rate - Added IP CIDR and range support for user-defined sample rates.
  • Metrics - Added system-level and process-level Prometheus metrics for memory, CPU, and disk usage.
  • CLI Tool - Allow netobserv commands to read license parameters from the configuration file.
  • stdout Output - Introduced a new configuration, EF_OUTPUT_STDOUT_ALLOWED_RECORD_TYPES, to control which record types are sent to stdout. Supported values include: as_path_hop, flow_option, flow, ifa_hop, telemetry, and metric. If left empty, all types will be allowed by default.
  • SNMP Enrichment - Fixed a panic condition that could occur when enriching flows with SNMP data.
  • Fixed an issue where logs were dropped when the app panics and restarts.



  • Extended field support - Added support for NetQuest JA4 IPFIX records



  • AS Enrichment - Fixed potential panic if Autonomous System data was enriched as an array instead of single value.



  • Packet Parser - Flow Collector: Improved Infiniband support to handle additional OpCodes.
  • Packet Parser - Flow Collector: Fixed an issue that cause Infiniband-related boolean values to be indexed incorrectly.
  • sFlow - Flow Collector: system.ip.addr not set correctly for sFlow records.
  • Elasticsearch Output - SNMP Collector: Auto-generated component template now has the correct "version" value.
  • Logging - The warning for RiskIQ-related environment variable no longer triggers for non-ElastiFlow RiskIQ environment variables.



  • Fixed a panic condition that could happen if IPFIX or sFlow packets contained incorrect payload length values.



  • Output - Fixed a race condition which would cause a concurrent map write issue and stop the collector when there was high throughput.



New Features
  • Metrics - Added a record_type label to output metrics in order to provide more granularity into the records being pushed to downstream outputs.
  • Docker Container - Upgraded base image to ubuntu:24.04.
  • Docker Container - The Docker container now includes default configuration files and directories.
  • Fixed an issue where inconsistent attribute tagging occurred in flow records when using nested rules in the EF_PROCESSOR_ENRICH_IPADDR_METADATA_USERDEF_PATH file.
  • Fixed an issue where sFlow counter records were processed despite EF_PROCESSOR_DECODE_SFLOW_COUNTERS_ENABLE being set to false.
  • Fixed an issue where sFlow counter records were returning a sample type not supported error for valid counter samples when EF_PROCESSOR_DECODE_SFLOW_COUNTERS_ENABLE was being set to false.
  • Fixed an issue where proxy settings within NetObserv were not applied correctly, resulting in failed downloads of the NetIntel data set for flow enrichment when a proxy is being used.


NetObserv Flow

  • Fixed an issue where all data was being written to one TSDS datastream when TSDS is enabled for Elasticsearch.

NetObserv SNMP



NetObserv Flow

  • Fixed an issue where NetIntel environment variables were not being passed down correctly.


NetObserv Flow

New Features
  • Download NetIntel dataset for air-gapped environments - A new cli tool to download the NetIntel dataset for use in air-gapped environments is available for download.
  • Logging - Improved log message for when a IPFIX or NetFlow9 template is not found.
  • Fixed an issue where the same reference of a record could be mutated by multiple namespaced outputs.

NetObserv SNMP

  • Metrics - New Prometheus metrics provide deeper insight into internal collector processes (SNMP metrics).
New Features
  • Device File Encryption - Added support for encrypting SNMP device files. This will protect device file credentials using age encryption while offering a secure user-friendly interface for managing said files. For more information about configuring this, please see Device File Encryption.


NetObserv Flow

  • Fixed an issue where the flow collector would not start if port 443 was blocked, even if the Amazon Firehose HTTP Endpoint was not enabled.


NetObserv Common

  • Security Upgrade - Updated libc from 5.15.0-107.117 to 5.15.0-112.122 to patch "High" CVEs.

NetObserv Flow

New Features
  • AWS VPC Flow Logs via AWS Firehose - A new HTTP endpoint has been added to collect VPC flow logs directly from Amazon Firehose. For more information about configuring this, please see AWS Firehose Input.
  • Community License - The Community tier license now supports application identifies provided in the flow records from devices with such capabilities.

NetObserv SNMP

New Features
  • NetObserv SNMP Device Status - The availability of devices is evaluated based on the combination of ICMP and SNMP reachability. A new field,, has been added which indicates the result of this evaluation.
  • The SNMP Definitions tar file is no longer truncated. This addresses the enum error occurring when EF_INPUT_SNMP_PERSIST_ENABLE is set to true.
  • A panic condition has been fixed, which occurred when devices had been removed from the configuration definitions and /snmp/apply-definitions was called.
  • A panic condition has been fixed, which occurred when devices reported an unsigned integer value instead of the expected signed integer for certain SNMP data types.


NetObserv Common

Breaking Changes

Click here for more information and all steps you need to take to upgrade from 6.x to 7.x

  • RiskIQ EOL - Since RiskIQ will reach its end-of-life on June 30th 2024, NetObserv v7 will no longer support threat enrichment through RiskIQ. NetIntel threat enrichment will replace RiskIQ and is enabled by default.
  • Licensing - The NetObserv Basic License now supports all 7400+ vendor specific flow fields (previously only supported 1020 fields). The Community License now supports 500 flow records/second per organization. If you are using a Community License and need a higher flow rate, please use this form to sign up for a free 1-year Basic License.
  • AWS VPC Flow logs - To set us up to deliver more flexible ways to retrieve flow logs (e.g. through Firehose) we needed to make some changes to the config fields for AWS VPC flow log enrichment. You need to change your configuration options to the new format to ensure you continue to receive VPC flow logs.
  • Product Naming - The ElastiFlow Unified Flow Collector is now called NetObserv Flow
  • Product Naming - The ElastiFlow Unified SNMP Collector is now called NetObserv SNMP
  • Product Naming - For anything that applies to both flow and snmp, we will simply refer to NetObserv

NetObserv Flow

New Features
  • NetIntel Threat Intelligence - NetObserv now uses ElastiFlow NetIntel for populating the information on the IP Reputation dashboard.
  • NetIntel Online Application and Cloud Service Identity - NetObserv now uses ElastiFlow NetIntel to enrich public IP addresses with online application and Cloud Service Identity information on the Top-N -> Apps dashboard.
  • AWS VPC Flow Logs - Added support for S3 buckets using data sent from Amazon Firehose, as well as custom log formats when using Firehose data. For more information about configuring this, please see AWS VPC Flow logs.
  • User-defined mapping for IPs used for SNMP polling - Allows users to poll SNMP info for a device on a different IP address than it sends flow records from.