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Version: 5.6



The Unified Flow Collector will attempt to determine attributes associated with the autonomous system to which a public IP address belongs. This setting determines whether this feature is enabled.

  • Valid Values
    • true, false
  • Default
    • false


If enrichment with autonomous system attributes is enabled (EF_FLOW_DECODER_ENRICH_MAXMIND_ASN_ENABLE is true), attributes determined by lookup will be cached to improve performance. This setting specifies the maximum number of IP address for which attributes will be held in the cache.

  • Default
    • 8388608


If enrichment with autonomous system attributes is enabled using lookups in a Maxmind database (EF_FLOW_DECODER_ENRICH_MAXMIND_ASN_ENABLE is true), this setting specifies the path to the Maxmind database.


If the value of the path begins with a / this path will be interpreted as an absolute file system path. Otherwise it will be interpreted as relative to the value of EF_FLOW_DECODER_SETTINGS_PATH.

  • Default
    • maxmind/GeoLite2-ASN.mmdb


The Unified Flow Collector will attempt to determine GeoIP attributes associated with a public IP address. This setting determines whether this feature is enabled.

  • Valid Values
    • true, false
  • Default
    • false


If enrichment with GeoIP attributes is enabled (EF_FLOW_DECODER_ENRICH_MAXMIND_GEOIP_ENABLE is true), attributes determined by lookup will be cached to improve performance. This setting specifies the maximum number of IP address for which attributes will be held in the cache.

  • Default
    • 8388608


If enrichment with GeoIP attributes is enabled using lookups in a Maxmind database (EF_FLOW_DECODER_ENRICH_MAXMIND_GEOIP_ENABLE is true), this setting specifies the path to the Maxmind database.


If the value of the path begins with a / this path will be interpreted as an absolute file system path. Otherwise it will be interpreted as relative to the value of EF_FLOW_DECODER_SETTINGS_PATH.

  • Default
    • maxmind/GeoLite2-City.mmdb


If enrichment with GeoIP attributes is enabled using lookups in a Maxmind database (EF_FLOW_DECODER_ENRICH_MAXMIND_GEOIP_ENABLE is true), this setting specifies the GeoIP attributes from the Maxmind database to be included in the resulting record.

  • Valid Values
    • city, continent, continent_code, country, country_code, location, timezone
  • Default
    • city,country,country_code,location,timezone


If enrichment with GeoIP attributes is enabled using lookups in a Maxmind database (EF_FLOW_DECODER_ENRICH_MAXMIND_GEOIP_ENABLE is true), this setting specifies the language which should be used for any language-specifc values.

  • Valid Values
    • de - German
    • en - English
    • es - Spanish
    • fr - French
    • ja - Japanese
    • pt-BR - Brazilian Portuguese
    • ru - Russian
    • zh-CN - Simplified Chinese
  • Default
    • en


For more control of when enrichment is applied, IP addresses can be included or excluded from GeoIP enrichment by Autonomous System or CIDR. This setting specifies the path to this file.


If the value of the path begins with a / this path will be interpreted as an absolute file system path. Otherwise it will be interpreted as relative to the value of EF_FLOW_DECODER_SETTINGS_PATH.

For more details on the format of this file and the behavior of the include/exclude functionality refer to: Scoping Enrichment with Include/Exclude

  • Default
    • ''
  • Recommended
    • hostname/incl_excl.yml


The file specified in EF_FLOW_DECODER_ENRICH_MAXMIND_GEOIP_INCLEXCL_PATH can be loaded automatically to refresh values without restarting the collector. This value specifies the refresh interval, in minutes, that the file will be reloaded. The value of 0 disables refreshing of the values.

  • Default
    • 15