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Version: 7.1

Device File Encryption Settings

The User-Defined Metadata allows for additional information to be added to a record for a given IP address. It can also be used to override existing fields. Metadata maybe specified for CIDR blocks, IP ranges or individual IP addresses.


Specifies whether the device definition files will be encrypted.

  • Valid Values
    • true, false
  • Default
    • false


If device file encryption is enabled (EF_INPUT_SNMP_DEVICE_DEFINITIONS_SECURE_STORE_ENABLE is true) this setting specifies that a keystore will automatically be created if one does not already exist.

  • Valid Values
    • true, false
  • Default
    • false


The file specified in EF_INPUT_SNMP_DEVICE_DEFINITIONS_SECURE_STORE_PRIVATE_KEY_FILE_PATH can be encrypted for added security. If used in conjunction with EF_INPUT_SNMP_DEVICE_DEFINITIONS_SECURE_STORE_CREATE, then the keystore will be configured with a password protected private key.

  • Default
    • ''


Sets the filepath location of the private key file. If used in conjunction with EF_INPUT_SNMP_DEVICE_DEFINITIONS_SECURE_STORE_CREATE, then the private key used in the keystore will be generated at this location.

  • Default
    • ''
  • Recommended
    • /etc/elastiflow/snmp/.age/key.age


Sets the filepath location of the public key file. If used in conjunction with EF_INPUT_SNMP_DEVICE_DEFINITIONS_SECURE_STORE_CREATE, then the public key used in the keystore will be generated at this location.

  • Default
    • ''
  • Recommended
    • /etc/elastiflow/snmp/.age/public-age-keys.txt


This setting can be used in place of EF_INPUT_SNMP_DEVICE_DEFINITIONS_SECURE_STORE_PUBLIC_KEY_FILE_PATH to directly assign the public key. Cannot be used in conjunction with EF_INPUT_SNMP_DEVICE_DEFINITIONS_SECURE_STORE_CREATE.

  • Default
    • ''