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Version: 7.8


NetObserv SNMP Trap exposes the /metrics endpoint to provide Prometheus-compatible statistics related to its performance and the resources it uses.

The endpoint returns data in a Prometheus text-based exposition format. Please refer to the Prometheus documentation to learn more.


This section describes the information metrics that can be retrieved from the /metrics endpoint.


app_info provides application details. The following is an example of an app_info record:

app_info{arch="arm64",cpus="10",env="native",hostname="M1-MacBook-Pro.local",instance_name="default",os="darwin",run_id="9fe34dd8-ff35-4bb5-bff8-1ba2b1547efb",version="7.5"} 1

The app_info data provides the following labels:

archenvironment running application
cpusnumber of cpus available
envnative install or Docker
hostnamename of machine
instance_namename of the collector instance
osoperating system running application
run_idrun id of application
versionversion of the collector


license_info provides license details. The following is an example of a license_info record:

license_info{account_id="account_id",application="trapcoll",expiration="1772150400",instance_name="default",level="7"} 1

The license_info record provides the following labels:

account_idaccount id of license
applicationname of the application
expirationlicense expiration date (unix time)
instance_namename of the collector instance
levellicense level.


license_telemetry_hosts provides the maximum number of SNMP trap devices that can push traps to the collector according to the license and configurations. The following is an example of a license_telemetry_hosts record:

license_telemetry_hosts{application="snmpcoll",instance_name="default"} 100

The license_telemetry_hosts record provides the following labels:

applicationname of the application
instance_namename of the collector instance